Stucco ceilings (also known as cottage cheese ceiling and, more popularly as popcorn ceiling) and walls are textured finishes, which are popular due to their low maintenance, low cost of application, durability, and noise reduction properties. Early commercial stucco finishes used asbestos as an added feature making it an effective fire retardant. However, asbestos is a proven health biohazard, which has been banned from use in construction. Even though it was first banned in the late 1970's old houses from the period and before still have it in the insulation, roofing, walls and ceilings. This makes popcorn ceiling removal to be dangerous in some instances.
Our technicians at “Drywall Repair El Segundo” are experienced at removing and handling asbestos building materials. We can help you with your stucco textured walls and ceiling. As general contractors and experts in drywall repair, we know to remove stucco textured paint, as well as replace it with a proper coat of paint. If you want, a newer (and safe) popcorn ceiling can be installed as well.
When removing popcorn ceilings, the first thing that any homeowner should do is to have it checked for asbestos. If it has asbestos, the homeowner has to contract the services of an accredited contractor for asbestos removal. This is a material dangerous to your health. After the stucco finish has been removed, the painting process can begin. In most instances, the drywall has to be fixed first, even before the first coat of primer. After properly fixing ceiling, filling in the gaps with putty, and wood filler, the business of painting the ceiling can then begin.
Popcorn ceiling removal cannot be easily done as a do-it-yourself project. The job itself, even without the asbestos disposal can be messy. First the floor has to be covered. Adequate ventilation has to be provided. Additionally, any tool used to remove the popcorn ceiling has to have a caddy to catch the paint. We do this all the time. We even clean up after ourselves. As the customer, when you avail of our services, you can even choose to have us only remove the finish or to continue with painting the ceiling. As general contractors, Drywall Repair El Segundo are experts not only in properly removing the stucco finish, we are also great at painting ceilings. If you want, we can even put on a new stucco ceiling, and do it properly at the same time.
Call us now for your needs in drywall repair, kitchen and bathroom tiling, stucco finish, popcorn ceiling removal and house painting, among other things. Our staff will quickly act on your requests.
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